Monday, July 22, 2013

Si piensas comprar casa toma en cuenta.... If thinking of buying a house consider this...


Al invertir en tu casa, no es solo el bien raiz, sino tambien el tipo de prestamo hipotecario uno de los factores que daran la tranquilidad de haber hecho una buena inversion.
El pensar de acuerdo al proposito de la inversion si es a mediano o largo plazo, para habitarla , rentarla o revenderla. Los productos financieros se adaptan a las distintas necesidades.
El comprador residencial,sin embargo; debe ser siempre conservador al realizer su inversion, optando por las hipotecas fijas, en lugar de las variables (ARM), las cuales tienden a ajustarse a la taza de Mercado vigente una vez termina el plazo fijo .
When investing in your  home purchase, it's not only the real estate, but the type of mortgage you choose what will give you the peace of mind of having made a good investment decision.
Thinking according to the purpose of the investment, either long term or short term; whether thinking of living in the house, renting it or reselling. There are many mortgage loans designed according to those needs.
The residential home buyer that intends to live in the property, as most of the homebuyers in America, need to be conservative in there choosing their mortgage , choosing the Fixed Mortgages over the Adjustable Mortgages (ARM), which adjust to the prevailing market rate or higher, once the fixed term expires.

National Mortgage Rates  - Tasas Hipotecarias a nivel Nacional  

July 21,2013                                   Julio 21,2013

Loan Type - Tipo de Hipoteca 
Today Last Week
15 Year Fixed Conforming 3.494% Arrow down 3.529%
30 Year Fixed Conforming 4.433% Arrow down 4.497%
1 Year ARM Conforming 2.040% Arrow up 2.026%
5/1 Year ARM Conforming 3.310% Arrow down 3.369%
Interest Only: 5/1 Year ARM Conforming 3.519% Arrow down   3.618%  *  REALTYTRAC

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